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    Next Contest? Vote here! by DrZime, journal

    Comments 3.4K

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    Listen Disney Club, I know you may not like cousin ships much (and I don't blame you cuz I also used to look down on those kind of ships; I used to think they were incestuous then after doing some more scripture studying and online researching I now realize that not all cousin ships are so incestuous after all), but I really would appreciate it if you add my ship stamp to your stamp collection:
    Miguel X Rosa Stamp by jamgorham
    you're disgusting, dude

    I am not disgusting, dude. They're cousins, not siblings. And have you done any research on cousin marriage lately? Just look up cousin marriage on Wikipedia and you will find that first cousin marriage is perfectly legal in Mexico. Also have you read Leviticus 18 and 20 lately? They list all of the people you should not have a romantic relationship with, and none of them includes cousins. Plus if you study the scriptures more carefully you'll notice that lots of couples in the scriptures were cousins (e.g. Jacob and Rachel from the Old Testament and (quite possibly) Mary and Joseph from the New Testament). Also lots of couples in Mexico are cousins, especially in rural areas. And that includes the village in which Coco takes place, Santa Cecilia. And I suppose you never considered the possibility that Hector and Imelda were also cousins? Hm? Think about it. And what about Ben and Gwen? They're cousins too, and lots of people ship them. At first I felt the same way about cousin ships as you do, but after doing some further scripture studying and research on cousin marriage I now realize that not all cousin ships are so incestuous after all. And that includes Rosaguel. I know it might sound a little crazy but trust me.

    Oh and P.S. If you ever, and I mean EVER, say anything like that to me again, so help me I WILL BLOCK YOU.